Click here to view or print the Toddler Program Handbook.
Our Toddler classroom is located on the grounds of the Presbyterian church which is on the corner of Walker Ave. and Siskiyou Blvd. The Toddler classroom is located on the upper level and is adjacent to the playground. Since our move from the Lincoln elementary school we are only able to serve to ages 24 months to 3 years old. We also house a cooking program for our 2-3 year olds in our school kitchen. Our aim is to provide a warm, safe, developmentally appropriate environment for your toddlers, helping them succeed through the many changes they will experience. We spend our days helping the children learn how to engage in a respectful manner with the materials and with each other. While awakening the senses through exploration and art, we focus on the process, not the product.
Please enjoy this video of the Toddler Site featured in the Ashland Daily Tidings in 2012
In the classroom we provide a wide diversity of materials and experiences so that each child can learn and grow at their own pace.
Our Montessori classroom is divided into six areas:
• Sensorial
• Practical life
• Language
• Math
• Natural science & cultural subjects/theme studies
• Art
We aim to provide each child with:
• A sense of order
• Enhanced fine motor skills
• An ability to focus
• Increased responsibility
• Opportunities to express their unique individuality
The goals we set for the children are:
• Self regulation
• Cooperation
• Self evaluation
• Ability to lead and follow
• Development of social perspectives
• Self direction
• Confidence in resolving conflicts
• Enthusiasm for learning
Daily Schedule
This schedule is flexible and is used as a guide for the day’s activities. Our primary goal is to meet the individual needs of the children.
• 8:30 am Arrival and greeting. Indoor or outdoor play
• 9:15 Circle (songs, puppets, finger play, games, books and music)
• 9:30-10:45 Free choice inside & snack time (Snack will be served in small groups between 9:45 – 10:15 am)
• Potty Break
• 10:45-11:30 Outside time
• 11:30-12:00 Handwashing and lunch followed by free choice or book time
• 12:00 pm Half day students depart
• 12:00-12:30 Lunch clean up, potty time, story time and transition to rest time
• 12:30-3:00 Rest time, wake up and snack as needed
• 3:00-3:30 Inside or outside free play
• 3:30 Full day students depart and school closes
Diapering and toileting are an on-going process and are done at regular intervals throughout the day.
Please dress children in clothing that allows them the highest level of independence they can achieve when dressing and undressing themselves, especially when toilet training. “Onesies” are not recommended or overalls with buckles.