Preschool Classrooms

Click here to view or print the Preschool Handbook. 


Our Pre-school classrooms are in the lower level of the Calvin Hall building which is located on the Presbyterian Church grounds on the corner of Walker Ave and Siskiyou Blvd. We serve potty trained children ages 3 to 6. Currently we house two preschool classrooms.  We incorporate enrichment throughout the year.  We have a 10-month school year beginning in September and ending in June, and we also offer a summer session program in July. The main school session takes place between 9:00 a.m. and noon. Before and after school child care is available as well. Before school child care is offered from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. and after school child care is from noon to 4:30 p.m.

Please enjoy this video of the Preschool  featured in the Ashland Daily Tidings in 2012


In the classroom we provide a wide diversity of materials and experiences so that each child can learn and grow at their own pace.

Our Montessori classroom is divided into six areas:
• Sensorial
• Practical life
• Language
• Math
• Natural science & cultural subjects/theme studies
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We aim to provide each child with:
• A sense of order
• Enhanced fine motor skills
• An ability to focus
• Increased responsibility
• Opportunities to express their unique individuality

The goals we set for the children are:
• Self regulation
• Cooperation
• Self evaluation
• Ability to lead and follow
• Development of social perspectives
• Self direction
• Confidence in resolving conflicts
• Enthusiasm for learning


Daily Schedule

• 8:00 Doors Open
• 8:00-9:00 Early Arrivals
• 9:00 School Begins
• 9:15 Circle Time
• 9:45-10:45 Free Choice & Snack
• 10:45-11:45 Second circle and outdoor play
• 11:45-12:00 Closing circle
• 12:00-12:30 Lunch
• 12:30-1:30 Outdoor  Play
• 1:30-3:00 Circle, quiet time and rest. Some children may nap, others read and do independent works or projects
• 3:00-4:30 Free Choice Play (Inside and Outside), children eat their lunch box snack
• 4:30 p.m. Facilities Close

* Note: In some classes the Free Choice/snack period in the a.m. follows the outdoor playtime