Parent Handbooks

Download the Handbooks here:


We help children learn to treat themselves, others and their environment with respect and to appreciate each other’s differences and similarities. Specifically we:
• Aid in the process of developing a positive self-image.
• Build on child’s natural curiosity, wonder and exploration.
•  Concerned with the process, not just the product.
• Nurture child’s intellectual, social, emotional and creative capabilities to their fullest.
• Develop a sense of responsibility and sensitivity.
• Help the child to appreciate their own abilities.

Goals we set for the Children
• Self regulation
• Cooperation
• Self evaluation
• Ability to lead and follow
• Development of social perspectives
• Self direction/self expression
• Confidence in resolving conflicts
• Enthusiasm for learning

Beach St. Site Hours of Operation
Facility is open: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Before school care: 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
School hours 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
After school care: 12:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Arrival & Departure

Please remain with your child until they have been received by a staff member and note your time of arrival on our daily attendance sheets.  When picking up your child, again make contact with a staff member and sign out on the daily attendance sheet as you are leaving the premise.  Our attendance sheet must accurately reflect who is on the premise and in our care at all times.  Your child is legally viewed to be in our care while on the premise and you will be continue to be charged for extended care hours while your child is still on the premise.    Students, siblings and visitors must remain with parents during these transitional times.  When departing be sure your child does not exit the schools exterior doors or gates unless they are in your immediate company.  If someone else will be dropping off or pickin up your child please let them know of these responsibilities.

Only the persons listed on your child’s authorization sheet will be able to pick up your child from school.  Staff will always confirm who is authorized to pick up before releasing your child to someone new when there is a change from the norm.

Please do your best to arrive here on time for the school hours. Late arrivals can be distracting during circle time. Remember to sign your child in when you drop off your child and to leave the premise when you sign your child out.   Also, please make visual or verbal contact with at least one staff member before leaving the premise. Parents arriving more than five minutes late at closing time will be charged $1.00 per minute.

Each child will have a cubbie. This will be their storage place for personal items, notes from teachers and completed works. This is a limited storage space. Please check your child’s cubbie often and take home items inside. Lunch boxes will have a special storage space. See teachers for details. Also,
each teacher will have specific requests as to how and when to share items from home.

If your child is running a fever of 100 or more during a 24 hour period, vomiting, has diarrhea, has excessive green or yellow mucus, or has a contagious sickness (i.e. pink eye, strep throat, etc.), they will need to stay home from school. If any of these symptoms arise during the school day, we will contact you to pick up your child. We stress the importance of hand washing and healthy hygiene habits. We like to keep the school a clean and healthy environment for children and staff.

Make up days and refunds for absences due to sickness or school closures due to communicable sickness out breaks are not able to be offered due to scheduling restrictions.

A morning snack will be provided each day. Parents share in bringing in items needed for morning snack. Please sign up to bring in a snack items each month. Snack sign up sheets are located on the bulletin board near the front door of each class.

Lunch begins at approximately 12:00 p.m. every day. If your child will be staying after 12:00, please bring a lunch to school with them. Please label their lunch box with their name. We ask the children to eat at least half of their lunch. Lunch lasts for about 25 minutes, but children are welcome to take more time to eat if needed. We ask that you use reusable packaging whenever possible and to keep sugary items to a minimum. Due to our limited refrigerator space, we ask that you place a cold pack in your child’s lunch if needed. If your child will be staying for after care we suggest packing an extra snack in their lunch.

It is important that the children come to school in clothing that is comfortable, easy to clean and suitable for outside play. We play outside every day, unless it is raining during our scheduled playtime. Each child should have an extra set of labeled clothing in their class. Please label all clothing and personal items.

Quiet Time
We have a quiet time everyday at approximately 1:30 p.m. This is a time for all the children to rest their minds and bodies. After a short circle we turn off the lights and put on some relaxing music or books on tape. Rest time lasts about 20 minutes. This gives children who nap a chance to fall asleep. Children who do not fall asleep are given the option of books, works or projects. You might consider bringing a soft cuddly item and blanket for rest time. However, please keep rest time items small and simple due to limited storage space. All rest time items should be able to fit inside the rest time cubbies. We request that you launder items weekly.

Discipline is used when needed to help children develop self-control, self-esteem, and respect for others. We provide positive guidance, verbal redirection and clear limits and expectations. The following forms of punishment are prohibited: any form of corporal punishment, mental or emotional punishment, chemical or physical restraints, confinement, and withholding or rewarding with food.

Cause for expulsion:
1. Repeated physical aggression.
2. Repeated disruption of school activities
3. Child’s behavior prevents the staff’s ability to care for the safety & well being of the individual child or group.

Steps taken to remedy the above occurrences prior to expulsion:
1. Verbal notice to parents.
2. Written notice to parents.
3. Parent & Staff conference.
4. Parents agree to work with a specialist.
Lack of parental involvement in the above mentioned steps is also cause for disenrollment.

Tuition & Fees:
Please see our most current prices here.

Payment Schedule:
You may choose your tuition payment plan from one of the following:
1. One full-year payment paid September 1st.
2. Two equal payments. One paid September 1st, one February 1st.
3. Ten equal installments paid on the first of each month.

Tuition installment payments are not adjusted due to illness, vacation, or other absences from school. We do not send out bills each month. Payments are posted the beginning of each month and are due by the fifth of each month. Payments received after the 10th of the month will be considered late payments. Please attach a $15.00 late charge if you make a payment after the 10th of the month. Checks can be placed in “payment box” located near the bulletin board in each classroom.

Before school and after school hours are in addition to the tuition payment made for school hours. Extended care use will be billed at the end of each month and can be paid with the following months tuition. It is very important that every parent sign their child in when they drop their child off and sign them out when they pick up their child. The sign in & out sheet serves as an active attendance sheet for each classroom. Signing in & out also allows us to have an accurate record of your child’s extended care use for billing purposes. Please do not try to estimate the hours and pay in advance.

A one-month notice of withdrawal is required. If you withdraw your child without giving a one-month notice, you shall be obligated to pay for the one month of tuition after the date of withdrawal.

On any check written, please write:
1. Your child’s name
2. Brief description. For example, September tuition, registration fee and material fee or November Tuition/October Aftercare

Enrollment is not extended past the month for which payment is not received. Payments not honored by the bank incur a $15.00 return fee. Re-occurrence of an unhonored tuition payment requires secured payment (money order or cashier’s check) in future payments.

Parent Participation
All parents at the Beach St. Site are required to contribute 10 hours of assistance during the school year. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Work assistance time is valued at $20.00 per hour. Some people choose to buy supplies or materials rather than assist with their time. There are a variety of ways to contribute. Please see Head Teachers for details. Incomplete work assistance hours are billed near the end of the school year.