March 2012 Kinder News Can you believe there are only about 3 more months of school? Whew that was fast! The kids have sunk deep, deep into our hearts for good now as we enter the re‐awakening of spring! This month our topic of study is on our teeth and […]
April 2012-Garden Room News I hope you had a great time with your lovely families, we sure enjoyed the time with ours, looking out the window with a cup of tea @ 9:30 am, no rush, a pile of books on the coffee table, reading to our children, making […]
April Newsletter: Room 5 Our Theme: “Trip-Trapping” through Literature, Storytelling, & Drama We have been having a fantastic time reading many different versions of the “Three Billy Goats Gruff” tale, comparing & contrasting the story elements, dialogue, & illustrations, which leads quite naturally to the realization that stories can be […]
March Newsletter: Room 5 Our Theme: The Human Body We’ve begun exploring the Human Body, as you may have guessed when you’ve glimpsed the X-Rays posted on our white board, the anatomy posters on our classroom walls & the variety of new shelf activities. We’ll be learning about the basics […]
February Newsletter: Room 5 Our February Focus: Alphabet Fun & Valentine’s Day We’ll be exploring the alphabet through songs, stories, shelf activities, circle-time activities, & art projects this month. Students will each have a “journal” that they’ll be encouraged to write in daily. This “writing” will typically range from drawing […]
December 2011 – Garden Room News Ok, I know winter is NOT officially here until the solstice, but oh my goodness we can feel it all the way to our bones…yikes! We are still a little unprepared as we seem to be running out of mittens and all those little […]
Halloween Goblins, the Candy Witch and other scary things that go boo! So here it is… I am not the best at celebrating this tradition as it is still new to me. However, since this Monday the 31st is The Day and we are in session… I thought it would […]
January Newsletter: Room 5 Our January Theme: Kids Around the World We’re having such fun exploring other cultures through images, books, artifacts, shelf activities, songs, & circle-time activities! We are learning about how kids all over the world eat, play, make music…what kind of clothing they wear, homes they live […]
October Newsletter: Room 5 After enjoying our first month of getting to know each other & becoming familiar with our classroom materials & routines, we are furthering our community-building as we embark on our first theme: Self & Family. You may have noticed our “self-portrait” artwork beginning to fill our […]
Children’s World Kindergarten News November 2011 Thank you to all the parents and family members who helped on the field trips and at the party in October. We appreciate all your efforts, energy and company. Progress reports In the next few days you will be finding a progress report in […]
Children’s World Montessori
Ashland, Oregon 97520
(541) 482-1314
Tax ID # 93-1293613