Hello to you all.
We are very much enjoying our study of birds and will no doubt continue through the month of February and perhaps beyond, taking some time to celebrate both Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year.
Email change: I am so sorry to have to do this after all the effort it took to get our email communications set up but my old email is just not satisfactory. In order to make sure you all get connected with my new one, I will send a message individually so that you can add me to your address book. A mass mailing causes many computers to conclude that the mailing is spam. I’ll probably do this on the weekend. So sorry if you are inconvenienced. Please add my new address to your contacts.
The children are already looking forward to Valentine’s Day. All those hearts and the written communications with copious paper and envelopes and stickers and doilies etc. have real appeal to them. So we encourage you to have your child prepare Valentines for the class, asking that you mprepare one for each child in the room—there are twenty-five at this point. (Of course you only need to make 24 unless your child wants to put one in his own bag, which is often the case.) We ask that you have your child sign his/her name on the card but we don’t make them specific to the recipient. It is so much easier than trying to sort them all into the proper bag. Your child can make them specific but will need your help delivering them.
Of course we will have a PARTY on the day, February 14th, a Monday. If your child does not attend on Mondays, you can arrange to attend the party and if not, we will save your child’s Valentines for them and would encourage you to bring in Valentines the previous Friday. We could use three PARENT VOLUNTEERS at the party. Set up will happen starting at 10 or 10:15, depending on what we have planned. If you have a valentines craft to offer at the party, that would be appreciated, but we will be ready to supply the activities, if not. Anyone care to make cupcakes or cookies for the children to decorate?
As you are aware, fifteen parent assistance hours are required as participation from each family during the school year. There is a log on our sign-in table for keeping track of your hours. Please keep your hours up to date.
We would like to have the school garden prepared for planting by March, so that the children can plant and watch spring crops grow before the end of the school year. Pruning and raking are also needed. If you would like to offer your help on weekends, that can be arranged.
Some parents are fulfilling their volunteer hours by coming into the class to offer a project—Karen, Parker’s mother is bringing in a Chinese New Year’s craft—and Aletia, Sabian’s mother, is doing wonderful music and movement circles during first circle time. Thanks to both! If you have a project to offer or would like to share an interest or skill, you would be most welcome. Last year we had a cellist and a sax player come in and show their instruments to the children and also had a father come and tell stories.
We have shelves that could really use a coat of paint. They could be done at school or taken home on the weekend. See Coley if you are interested.
Please make sure that your child has spare clothes appropriate to the season, rest time items, and a napkin or place mat in the lunch box.
No toys from home, please.
This is a wonderful group of children. They are such eager learners and so ready for anything we bring to them. I especially appreciate their enthusiasm for singing our songs at circle. Such gusto!
Thanks for all your support. Remember, all input is appreciated.
Thank you.
Coley, Shayne and Sharon